According to the American Hair Loss Association (AHLA), approximately 85% of men and 40% of women are experiencing significant hair loss, finding effective solutions more crucial than ever.

If you are aiming to reclaim your confidence with a successful hair transplant, take it to the next level with revolutionary power of red light therapy. As a minimally invasive, clinically-proven treatment, red light therapy after hair transplant has transformed the hair restoration landscape.

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation (PBM), harnesses the energy of specific wavelengths to enhance existing hair growth, promoting tissue repair and hair regeneration.

At Afro hair transplant clinic in Turkey, we cater to the challenge of carefully customizing the procedure to meet your expectations. So, we stimulate your hair growth, enhance healing and minimize side effects by engaging the groundbreaking technology that has become an essential complement to hair transplant surgery.

Whether you are considering hair transplant surgery or seeking to amplify your existing results, understanding the potential of red light therapy is essential. Read on to unlock the secrets of this game-changing technology.


What is Red Light Therapy for Hair?

Red Light Therapy also known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a type of phototherapy. Like trees and plants utilize sunlight to grow, humans can also use certain wavelengths of light and transform it into cellular energy

Thus, red light stimulates mitochondrial function within your cells, which lowers oxidative stress and boosts circulation. Resulting in more energy to our cells and boosting them to repair themselves and multiply.

It is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths (600 – 700 nm) of red or near-infrared light customized to individual hair conditions.

Hair ConditionWavelength (nm)Intensity (mW/cm²)
Androgenic Alopecia660-68010-30
Alopecia Areata630-6505-20

Typically, RLT sessions last 10 to 15 minutes twice a week for optimal results. Further, the therapy involves photobiomodulation of scalp tissues, which increases hair growth as our follicles absorb these photons.

The therapy is popular in various medical and aesthetics procedures, including hair transplants. Since, it improves the healing process and helps optimize transplant results, thus making it a popular modern option.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair loss can seriously dent your self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, it is imperative to stay alert to conditions that can lead to hair loss.

Since acting proactively can lead to better hair management and reduce cost as well. Early identification can also lead to finding a better solution.

Here are some of the leading causes of different types of hair loss among afro individuals.

  • Heredity (androgenetic alopecia)

This condition is basically caused by the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) , a metabolite contributing to hair loss. In men, it causes a receding hairline or baldness at the crown. While in women, it causes thinning hair all over the scalp.

  • Age

Over time, follicular miniaturization occurs, resulting in natural hair growth slowing down, shrinking our hair follicles. Thus, leading to hair thinning, grey hair and ultimately loss of hair density.

  • Hormonal Changes

Women are most affected by hair loss due to hormonal changes (estrogen & progesterone) especially during pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause

  • Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata (a disease that attacks hair follicles), scalp infections (ringworm) and trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) can affect hair loss.

  • Stress

Physical or emotional stress can lead to temporary hair loss (Telogen Effluvium). However, you can regain your hair after the stressor is gone.

  • Tight Hairstyles

Continuous tight pull on hair like tight ponytails or braids can also lead to hair weakening (Traction Alopecia).

What are the Eligibility Criteria for Red Light Therapy?

If you are experiencing patterned hair thinning during early stages, you are a good candidate for red light therapy. Further, men and women who are losing hair due to the following conditions are a perfect match for this therapy.

  • Alopecia areata
  • Androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness)
  • Chemotherapy hair loss
  • Female pattern hair loss
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Traction alopecia

What is the Red Light Therapy Procedure?

Our specialist dermatologists at Afro hair transplant in Turkey are equipped with the right expertise and apparatus to perform the red light therapy after hair transplant. Since, it is key to develop the right wavelength on the laser cap, to avoid damage to hair transplant. Thus, getting it done from experts only will yield required results.

We will provide this therapy 24-48 hours after the hair transplant and will not take more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete the session.

Laser hair implants will respond to the right wavelengths that are set by carefully testing each patient’s condition.

Here are details of the red light therapy at our clinic.

  • Step 1: Consultation and Pre-Treatment Preparation

After 48 hours of your hair transplant, you can get back in touch with our specialist to consult red light therapy. They will check the condition of your scalp and advise you on therapy.

If satisfied, they will prepare you for therapy. It could involve washing your hair, removing makeup, oil, and wearing protective eyewear.

  • Step 2: Session Steps

Our hair restoration surgeons will get you ready by positioning the device on your head as required. Then they will adjust the timer and intensity as advised by the dermatologist during pre-assessment.

  • Step 3: Treatment

Once ready, our dermatologist will perform therapy through different techniques. It can include a static treatment, dynamic treatment or combination of both.

In a static treatment, the device would remain still on celluma. Whereas, dynamic treatment involves slowly moving the device on the head to increase reach.

  • Step 4: Follow up

You need to get your laser hair following treatments to increase chances of faster hair growth. The general course of treatment includes an initial phase of 6-12 weeks. While a maintenance phase lasts for 1-2 times per week, with full treatment lasting for 3-6 months.

Post Therapy Care

Since red light therapy after hair transplant is a non-invasive treatment, thus you can resume normal activities right after the procedure. Moreover, this therapy does not have downtime.

However, always use gentle hair care products and avoid excessive heat styling. It will support therapy results.

What are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy after Hair Transplant?

Laser treatment after hair transplant brings numerous benefits for individuals who have recently gone through afro hair transplant. These benefits range from medical to psychological benefits.

At our clinic in Turkey, we ensure to maximize red light therapy for our afro hair clients, by using the right infrared light lumens customized for each individual.

Here are a few pros of this therapy, which makes therapy a necessity for many patients.

  • Accelerates Healing Process

Red light after surgery improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation, thus expediting the healing process. It leads to lesser pain, swelling and discomfort.

  • Hair Growth Stimulation

Numerous studies prove that red light therapy can increase hair follicles activity resulting in stimulating the growth. Likewise, it can increase the density and thickness of hair after a transplant surgery.

  • Pain Relief

Red light possesses analgesic (pain-relieving) properties, making it an ideal source of reducing pain and discomfort hair transplant.

  • Scarring Reduction

As red therapy can promote healthy cell regeneration, thus it reduces scarring after a hair transplant. It results in reduced hair transplant redness and brings peace of mind for individuals concerned with visible scar on the scalp.

  • Overall Scalp Health

You can experience a healthier scalp as red light stimulates blood circulation and cellular activity. This will result in an overall healthy growth of your newly transplanted hair.

How Can You Improve the Impact of Red Light Therapy?

While red light therapy can single handedly improve your hair growth mechanism, it can produce better results if combined with certain other factors.

Since, the objective is to increase hair growth, it is better to support hair transplant with this low-level laser therapy and the following changes in your routine.

  • Hair Growth Medication

Studies suggest that LLLT produces best results when it is supported with medications. However, it is important to contact our dermatologist before taking any medication. That is because un-prescribed medications can harm LLLT working.

  • Scalp Massage

Scalp massage will increase blood flow to your follicles. Likewise, it activates certain genes and potassium channels in hair to support fast thickening. Further, since massage is pleasing it can lower stress levels thus preventing anxiety-induced hair loss.

  • Balanced Diet

It is an established fact that deficiency of certain vitamins can cause hair loss. Thus, a diverse and nutritious diet is compulsory for healthy hair. Food rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E are mandatory. Likewise, iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium are also vital parts of a balanced diet.

  • Hair Styling

Make sure strands and scalp are healthy. It is tricky to fix heat-damaged hair, thus avoiding frequent heat-styling. Since it can cause dryness, brittle hair and gray hair that are prone to breakage.

  • Contact Trichologist

Our expert hair doctors are always available to help you with hair growth post hair transplant. Since afro hair offers tough implantation challenges, thus getting regular advice will help you better manage the results of your red-light therapy.

Contraindications of Red Light Therapy

Despite a straightforward laser treatment, it has minimum side effects. There are certain individuals that are not ideal for a red light therapy after hair transplant.

The following individuals are generally not suited to proceed with this therapy.

  • Pregnant and nursing women
  • Individuals with epilepsy, diabetes, or hemophilia
  • People with severe skin disease or inflammation
  • Active infections or open wounds
  • Active cancer or tumors

Alternatives to Red Light Therapy

While red light therapy is a popular treatment for hair loss among afro individuals, there are other alternatives available. Since, based on your medical condition, our experts may advise you not to opt for this therapy.

Therefore, leaving you with no option but to choose an alternative. Luckily, a number of other options can help you continue your hair growth journey.

Here are popular alternatives to red light therapy.

  • Medication

The markets are flooded with topical medications that can help you with hair growth. Likewise, steroid creams can also help with alopecia areata symptoms. However, always consult your doctor before taking any of such medications.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

PRP therapy takes a small amount of blood from your body and injects it in the scalp. This improves hair density and thickness by nourishing hair follicles.

  • Hair Transplants

It is a popular alternative where healthy hair from a donor area is extracted and implanted on the bald portions. However, getting professional advice before adopting a transplant is required for desired results.

Busting Red Light Therapy Myths

Red light therapy for hair before and after hair transplant has a number of misconceptions that need to be addressed as these are not true.

  • Scalp burning – No! The devices used during LLLT do not emit such heat that can burn your scalp. The most you will feel is soothing warmth, which does not cause discomfort.
  • Pseudoscience – No! Red light therapy is a proven scientific treatment. Numerous researches are available on treatment with proven results of supporting hair growth after a transplant.
  • Changing hair color – No! Red light therapy is free from any particles that can interact with your hair pigment. Thus, it results in zero influence on your hair.
  • Skin cancer – No! Unlike tanning beds or sunlight, red light devices do not emit UV radiation. Thus, it is safe and does not cause skin cancer.

What are the Side Effects of Red Light Therapy?

Generally, red light therapy for baldness is considered a safe procedure. However, like all other medical processes, it can also have some side effects.

Nevertheless, these side effects are usually mild and will settle down a few hours after the treatment. Here are common side effects of red light therapy before and after hair treatment.

  • Itching
  • Headaches
  • Scalp dryness
  • Scalp irritation
  • Warm sensation at the site
  • Redness and scalp tenderness

Cost of Red Light Therapy

Turkey offers the best price for red light therapy, as numerous specialists are available here. Further, you can save up to 80% when you get this treatment from our experts as the price of treatment is under $150.

Whereas, this cost is more than $250 in the USA and reaches $300 in Europe. Thus, you will get the full value for money while getting this treatment from Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does red light therapy help regrow hair?

Since red light therapy irradiates photons which are absorbed by weak cells to stimulate hair growth. Therefore, we can safely say that red light therapy does help regrow hair.

How long does red light take to grow hair?

In majority cases, red light takes around 12 to 26 weeks to start showing its results. You will start noticing loss of less hair each day while a significant improvement in hair growing on your head.

Is red light therapy more effective than minoxidil?

Both treatments are designed for different hair conditions. However, studies suggest that red light therapy tends to produce fast and better hair growth.

Can I use red light therapy every day

As red light therapy is safe, meaning you can incorporate it in your daily skincare routine. Daily sessions can maintain consistency and enhance hair transplant results.

How deep is red light therapy?

Red light can penetrate 8-10 mm into scalp skin, reaching below the dermis layer, stimulating collagen and elastin production. That is why it becomes able to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

What is the red light therapy treatment protocol?

The general protocol of the red light therapy includes the following:

  • Duration: 10-15 minutes per session
  • Frequency: 2-3 times per week
  • Wavelength: 630-700 nm (red light)
  • Intensity: 10-50 m W/cm²
  • Distance: 6-12 inches from scalp